PKK in Iran’s Perspective: The Attitudes and The Possibility of a Joint Struggle

PKK in Iran’s Perspective: The Attitudes and The Possibility of a Joint Struggle
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The fight against terrorism requires some complementary components along with the primary and ontological conditions. The ontological requirements refer to the struggle strategies of the target state, its theme of military struggle, and its intervention on the social factors which produce and reproduce terrorism. These elements represent the precondition and the foundation of the fight against terrorism. Apart from them, there are also several complementary factors for the struggle against terrorism. Besides their complementary nature, these factors have the potential to affect the success of these struggles. The military strategy and the efficiency of a state to eliminate the conditions which reproduce terrorism are significant in this context. Furthermore, this efficiency ensures total success if it is coordinated with the other relevant factors. In this regard, the elimination of the external support to terrorism through complementary factors such as the unity of the definition, perception, and approach between the states is the key for the success in the fight against terrorism. The internationalization of terrorism by the spread of terrorist organizations and their activities that target different regions in several states increases the significance of these factors. Thus, regional and global cooperation and partnership in the struggle against terrorism arise as one of the most critical requirements of the 21st century.
